Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Joseph Smith?

I was listening to the news lately and the newsman was talking about Joseph Smith telling his wife that God told him to have sex with their maid. Now, I have heard this kind of talk from many different religious people over the years but have usually considered it delusional thinking related to some kind of stifling of one's sexual urges in some way. But I wondered just how much of this kind of talk is going to be a part of the election campaign. Because people doing this kind of thing like priests and ministers of all kind for thousands of years has been an ongoing thing. And if Joseph Smith is attacked like this then every other priest or minister of any other religion might be fair game too. There will always be people who see every religion other than their own as delusional. But what is more important here is to realize that there are some delusional people within every religion. And it might be easy for people who are agnostics or even atheists to condemn this kind of behavior. But I really don't think anyone is completely immune from finding a way to eventually vent their sexual desires in some way either rationally or irrationally. So, the sexual proclivities of any minister of any church shouldn't be the criteria. Instead what needs to be thought about is: Which Presidential candidate should lead our country? And what is best for the country should be the only relevant question in the end.

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