Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Solution

The Solution to the economic problems here in the U.S. likely will be different than any of us presently think it will be. And even though many of us think we have clearly defined the problems it is important to remember that there has never been a U.S. or world economy quite like this one. There could be many issues that we just don't have any or enough information about like: I have often thought that foreign money is creating many of the problems in our electoral system at present. Is foreign money creating a Congress that cannot accomplish anything? And if so, what can we all do about it?

Because if that is true then democracy as we have known it doesn't still exist at present. And if it doesn't de facto exist how do we then solve the problems that we used to be able to solve as a country?

So, the solution may come from understandings not fully understood at present. I just hope that we learn enough about what the real problems are before our country's future is destroyed.

It is also important to realize fully that "The solution is always us." In other words, if as American citizens we don't ferret out and solve our problems no one is going to solve these problems for us.

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