Sunday, June 17, 2012

Freedom within Bounds

As an intuitive when I experience the effects of Time Travel on our times here on Timeline 2 this is what I think. "Freedom within Bounds" is the most effective way of saying it. In other words what will maintain time so it stays relatively intact for thousands of years? Since the present world civilizations won't be allowed to self destruct the planet (like what happened to the planet that became the Asteroid Belt) the best way to say it is that we have freedom to live or lives but not the freedom to do anything that ends the planet or the ecosystem. And one of the ways this is done is by allowing global climate change and Geomagnetic Excursions to occur. If I were to take the end of the Mayan Calendar seriously, it would be the part about how when the Mayan Calendar began we were in a Geomagnetic excursion and now if you look at the 40 miles per year (between 500 and 600 feet per day) excursion of the north pole right now towards Siberia. And since this is speeding up and has already been speeding up throughout the 20th and now 21st century very likely we are in a minor or a major Geomagnetic excursion. What does this mean? Well. What I think it likely means is that the human race (and all life on earth) will tend to be thinned out during this excursion. Second, during a magnetic excursion weather events change all sorts of strange ways on earth. And third the magnetosphere doesn't protect life very much on earth like it does when there is no geomagnetic excursion taking place. Since, scientists have noticed breaks in the magnetosphere at least since the mid 2000s taking place, the solar ejections are becoming more problematic for anything electrical and life on earth in general during the next 10 years or so.

Is it the end of life on earth? No. I don't think so. But, if we actually are in a minor or major Geomagnetic Excursion it is known from studies that these tend to last about 2 thousand years and in bad ones up to 90% of life on earth dies out. Now, this is not whole species going extinct necessarily. It just means that within any species one might see a 90% die off during the next 2000 years or not.

So, what 2012 might actually represent is the beginning of very weird weather ongoing which will cause major migrations of all species on earth over time trying to survive unfavorable conditions for life especially around the equator. But, another factor is that the geomagnetic changes around the poles might not be good to be around either. So, maybe somewhere between the equator and the poles where the weather is nice and there is enough rain to grow crops might be the best.

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