Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Most spiritually gifted person my wife ever met

The most spiritually gifted person my wife ever met was born in 1888 and was a teacher in the midwest and was the best friend of her grandmother who was a Christian Scientist. However, in this context it also might be important to know that my wife's Dad became an Atheist because of his mother's trying to heal him from a serious disease with positive thinking. However, luckily his father returned from being a traveling salesman in time to save his son before he died and got him the best doctors he could which saved his life even though he lost part of his hearing as a result.

So, one day when my wife's father and family were visiting his grandmother's best friend who by that time was living with his grandmother and both were in their 80s, my wife and her mother and her father went to visit her grandmother and her friend. Her friend said, "Hi" to my wife's father and said, "I knew you were coming because I dreamt about you being here today.", even though the trip was spontaneous and no warning at all of them coming had been given. My wife's father laughed it off just the way men were taught to do who were gentlemen in that era which was very Victorian in nature. So, even if you didn't share the spiritual beliefs of the other person you found a way to accept and include them into your reality no matter what as a gentleman.

She was saying that this person was like this all the time. As I thought about this I remembered all the people like this that I met in my parents religion who mostly were very well off who also thought like this too that were in their 70s and 80s during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s while I was growing up and coming into manhood (I was 21 in 1969).

Then I thought about how pragmatic I was taught to be in my dealings with everyone as a man. In other words I ALWAYS changed how I spoke about things in every situation based upon what a person's belief system was and is like a Chameleon. However, I met many many women especially that did not do this and constantly talked to everyone in the same way and so were thought to be sort of "touched" by God as they called it then. But women were given a lot more leeway in how they could be than they are given now in the modern world. And I think in some ways we are all the worse for it even though women have now become more like men in every way and like men they now have the same rights as men and now die of mostly all the same things as men always did now too.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that spiritually gifted people if they were women in polite safe company would make it known that they were spiritually gifted and you would be amazed at how they were and what they said if you also were in the know about such things.

However now, almost anything is likely to happen. People might say nothing and be incredibly gifted, or you might meet someone who has psychological problems who will lie about gifts as a power trip on others, or you might experience almost anything at any time from anyone.

The biggest change regarding all this was the 1960s when people started taking halucinogenics. Before that time the average person was more sane than now. They might have been a lot more up tight and rigid but the average person just generally tended to be more sane and to know who they were even if they were very rigid. So, even though life in some ways might get physically dangerous more in the past because of people's differences that they would fight to the death in public about before about 1965 or so, there was less craziness in the world in some ways too because of the rigidity and form that everyone was in then in that culture.

We live in a completely crazy culture now where people are afraid to pick up hitchikers because they might be crazy and kill them and this is primarily because of the drug culture which started in the middle to late 1960s and 1970s depending upon where you lived in the U.S.

So, unless you are somewhat gifted yourself it is difficult to separate the truly gifted from the downright insane in this world. But, if you are patient it is definitely worth the time. Because how else are you going to become enlightened and save the human race from extinction sometime during the next 500 to 1000 years?

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