Friday, August 10, 2012

2/3 of Americans polled think Obama will be Re-elected

Yes. This actually makes logical sense. Whenever you have an election as close as this one has been, the incumbent always has the advantage in these kinds of elections just like Bush did and Clinton did and Reagan did. When Bush I didn't get re-elected he had promised no new taxes but there was new taxes and also some people were also freaked out about Desert Storm and the fact that Bush I was the head of the CIA before becoming President. I actually think it should be enacted into law that no one becomes President after being head of the CIA for a variety of reasons. All you have to do is to study the life of J. Edgar Hoover to know why. The most likely reason would be that after being head of the CIA likely you would then have the power to blackmail literally anyone on earth. So, becoming a President after that just isn't a wise thing for our country.

The 2/3 of Americans polled think Obama will be Re-elected comes directly from The Situation Room on CNN TV on this Thursday.

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