Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Organic Pineapple Lemon Juice

I really like Lemons because I ate my first one whole (including peel) in 1950 when I had whooping cough and the live vitamin C (I didn't bat an eye at age 2) because likely my instincts told me to eat it at this age to help save my then little life and body so I could grow up and live an amazing life.

I have been experimenting a lot lately with my Breville mostly Stainless steel 1000 watt juicer. I have found that by peeling my organic lemons with a pairing knife and then cutting a large (1 inch thick round slice off a whole organic pineapple from Whole Foods Market I can cut the prickles and skin from the round slice and then drop in one by one the peeled lemons into the juicer and wind up with a very strong concoction of organic live pineapple and organic lemon juice. It is so very alive that it wakes me up a lot like coffee does other people but doesn't have the coffee crash that comes from robbing your body of vitality like Caffeine does. As long as you body can take the acidity of lemons and pineapple together and you are not allergic to either you should be fine.

So, for a single serving (or two if neither want very much) use
3 organic lemons

1 large slice or 2  1inch thick from a whole organic pineapple

Like I said this only gives one serving out the other side of your juicer
So, if you add the above again for each person you want to make this for then you should have enough. Also, you can add spring water or reverse osmosis water and Maple syrup or another sweetener if you like on a hot day.

Another thought that I had was you likely could do this with a blender too. Then you could have a pulpy drink or strain it to wind up with what I was talking about above. Have fun with live food!

I personally feel about 40 years younger than my 64 years if I eat and/or drink enough organic fruit and vegetables every day. I try and do 1 to 3 meals a day this way to feel still like I'm in my 20s.

I try to eat some berries like Blueberries and raspberries for mental acuity and brain health. I try to make some form of organic juice with  organic carrots in it for eye health. And I try to add some kale or chard or comfrey in for overall health in my juicing.

Here is my favorite all over juice that my 38 year old song came up with. I'm always experimenting with new variables to see how this make me feel. I'm looking for food that keeps me young and alive and healthy. This is something new since June and very amazing because this is what my Dad always told me growing up. So, eating like this I feel like I'm honoring my Dad's wisdom because he has now been gone since 1985.

Here is Beet Power:

Beet Power with Rainbow Chard

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