Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the 60s and 70s: Introspective spirituality

Before the 1960s the general attitude was a lot like: "DUH. Whatever you tell me to believe family I'll believe even if it kills me I will be loyal to whatever you teach me to believe."

But, somehow the angst of the Viet Nam War made my generation say: "Hey. You are murdering our friends, murdering our minds, murdering our belief systems and we just don't trust any of you anymore. So, thank you very much we will find out for ourselves what we actually believe because you have proven yourselves insane and crazy by killing our friends in Viet Nam."

So, introspective spirituality began to become popular starting in San Francisco which then spread to Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego and Seattle and then like lightning versions of Introspective spirituality started springing up on almost all universities across the land and became the essence of the back to the land movement started by people like Stephen Gaskin and other in the 1960s and 1970s. Home grown spirituality became the basis of a new generation that spread around the world on our music and eventually even collapsed the Iron Curtain as this peaceful "Introspective spirituality" and taking personal responsibility for everything you think and do went worldwide on the music of people like the Beatles and others. Since taking personal responsibility for everything was the by word of my generation Buddhism became more popular especially among college students. One reason for this is when a Buddhist gets upset with the world he sets himself on fire in public as a protest. He takes full responsibility for the world. He doesn't kill others. Whereas a terrorist blames and kills everyone else. A terrorist is the opposite of taking personal responsibility for what happens on earth. A Buddhist is a grown up and a terrorist is a child having a tantrum in comparison.

And since Buddhism is not considered a religion in the Western world because it does not (formally at least) include any recognizable concept of God to western people, many westerners became Buddhist Christians with impunity and this changed the world a lot too. In fact, I consider myself to be a Tibetan Buddhist Mystical Christian still to this day.

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