Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Allow for the possibility of Miracles

Whether you see them as "Flukes of Nature" or actual "Miracles" in your life it doesn't really matter in the end. But, unless you or anyone can allow for the possibility of healing of yourself or any situation what can happen is that a person or a group of people get into a situation and it is the end of them. And it just doesn't have to be that way.

I have had many many miracles in my life and because of this I have always known that God and Angels are by my side always. So, I have more confidence than a lot of people might have always because I feel God and angels there all the time. So, in anything in life I can always ask if something is going to work or not and God and Angels will tell me if what I'm thinking of has a chance to work. If it absolutely isn't going to work they will tell me and I will usually instantly know not to try that. But, other times when it seems that all hope is gone they will say, "I know this doesn't look promising but it is. Go this way!" And I have never been failed ever when I get this kind of direction. The problem is when you don't listen at all and just go off half cocked in whatever direction you go. That is when you REALLY wind up in danger.

But, for me, there are no limitations at all as long as I use this method. They sky is literally the limit always.

But, in the end if you or a group doesn't allow for the possibility of miracles in difficult situations then truly there is no hope whether you see that as a miracle or as a fluke of nature. So, no matter what you believe or don't believe in life at least believe in the possibility of flukes of nature that can save your life or others. Otherwise, there is no way to survive really awful things and bad times. Allow for the possibility of Miracles!

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