Monday, September 17, 2012

Crazy Times

It seems pretty crazy that not only are there anti-American demonstrations in most Muslim majority countries right now but also the Anti-Japanese demonstration and riots in China at the same time make me think that the astrology of these times must be very weird indeed. Usually you don't have this much craziness on the planet at the same time coming from more than one situation or incident. And second to the strangeness of all this I think we are also dealing with overpopulation and economic hardship caused by a difficult world economy and made worse by overpopulation, reduced resources and Global Climate change which also tends to enrage a whole lot of people. So, when people are really frustrated in their lives it doesn't take much to set them off like a bomb worldwide. It was like this during the 1930s and 1940s worldwide too. So, my thought is almost anything could now happen with the people of the world in this sort of enraged  state like right now. And the longer this sort of thing goes on in Muslim nations and in China the more damage to businesses and local infrastructure and the more starvation this likely will create as tourists and businesses move away from conflicts. Only munitions makers and armies are attracted to these kinds of conflicts. Everything and everyone else tends to try to escape any way they can.

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