Saturday, September 29, 2012

If Time Travel is Real

If time travel is real earth isn't likely the first time it was invented. It is much more likely that it was invented in the past, present and future and is something sort of like worse than nuclear weapons. For the same reasons that terrorists and Mafias of the earth don't have nuclear weapons, likewise Governments of Earth and beyond would see to it that the common people didn't even believe in time travel pretty much so  disinformation campaign would be present much like the one here on earth now. However, all intelligent people who can think both technically and logically and who have good common sense and instincts would eventually come to the same conclusion that I have, which is that time travel was here on earth before humans existed on earth. And for that matter time travel was all over the universe in deep past, present and future before humans ever were on earth. So, this point of view gives a completely different perspective. So, humans at most could then be either introduced to time travel or reinvent it starting with Einstein and Nicola Tesla. Because both were the first kinds of geniuses to get to the math, logic and Physics of the possibility of time travel right. Though many thought about this before they were the first to actually think about making it possible through what was done through the U.S.S. Eldridge around 1942 in Philadelphia Harbor.

So, my personal conclusion is that the only reason humans have not nuked themselves out of existence since World War II is time travel by World Governments starting with the United Nations after World War II, United States, Russia, China etc. So, it is fairly obvious at this point that the only reason we haven't nuked ourselves out of existence so far is time travel to prevent nuclear explosions after they happened. By undoing nuclear explosions after they happen (so the general public is unaware of nuclear explosions and wars) we still have a pretty good life here on earth even if we are presently overpopulated in relationship to natural resources the way they are presently used and developed by today's world governments, corporations, Technologies, and cultures.

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