Sunday, October 28, 2012

Unanticipated Events concerning Hurricane Sandy

As an intuitive what I'm getting here is not good. The problem as I see it is this. Though Government and TV Channels like CNN and the Weather Channel can predict certain things they cannot precisely predict how events like "waves over 30 feet high hitting the shore" combined with "Sustained winds of 70 to 80 mph" combined with "High Tides",  combined with "sustained rains for days" in the northeast, combined with power outages that may take out the power of 10 million customers (which actually may mean up to 40 million people. When you combine all these factors along with poor people maybe not financially able to stock up pure water and non-perishable food supplies properly, an event or events may make the death toll from Hurricane Katrina silly in comparison.

So, because of all this, likely the best outcome (if you can financially afford it) is to leave the whole area. Because what I'm getting is unexpected conflagrations of problems that won't be able to be solved by whole groups of people that are at present unanticipated by ANY government or local officials.

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