Monday, November 5, 2012

If more Superstorms are coming to the U.S.

Note: I'm not trying to be offensive in this article I'm just trying to be logical, reasonable and intuitive.

If more Superstorms are coming to the U.S. we might be better off with a President like Obama or Clinton (either one) than a Romney or a Bush because Obama and the Clintons advocate wind power and solar power, (which reduces greenhouse gases which likely help cause superstorms in the first place), and because with Obama or either of the Clintons it is more likely that FEMA and the Government might get involved in building the $10 Billion breakwater to stop more storms from hitting NYC and Long Island and other breakwaters to protect the Northeast and other areas from Coastal erosion like is done in the Netherlands and Japan around Tokyo. The other reason we might be better off with a President like Obama or the Clintons is that less people would tend to die as more Superstorms hit because of Government projects like Breakwaters and because we would still have a FEMA which we would not under Romney.

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