Friday, November 30, 2012

Syrian Autonomous Killer Robots?

I just heard a very disturbing report from CNN on TV. First, Arwa Damon came on through her satellite phone telling everyone that she was in Allepo, Syria and that suddenly all the cell phones and internet had gone down in Syria. Next, CNN goes on about Killer Autonomous robots, for example, in Syria. It makes me wonder if something like Google's driverless car technology and a video game program that kills anything that moves has found it's way into Syria in order to heartlessly eliminate people in cities throughout Syria by the Assad Government? The autonomous program of actually building a human like terminator isn't feasible, but an SUV, a tank, a Humvee,  helicopter  armed without a pilot or driver sent on a suicide mission to kill as many people as possible heartlessly in any given area could happen and might be right now while all cell phone traffic is down and all internet is down in Syria today. And the other alternative used in movies since the 1960s and 1970s is remote controlled vehicles on land or air which is a technology easily available to all nations at this point.

Since there are some things that no army will choose to do no matter how bad they or their families are threatened, the only way for Syria to increase the level of genocidal atrocities on Sunni families and their children would be with Autonomous robotic vehicles like CNN is reporting about in an abstract sort of way today.

To understand just how desperate Assad's Government is, I was reading the other day about how Sunni Muslim homes are now buldozed out of existence wherever the government can get away with it without their people being killed and their bulldozers taken away by rebels.

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