Monday, November 12, 2012

The Immortal

I was thinking today what is the real difference between someone who is potentially immortal from the average person who is mortal in their thinking?

I realized once again like I did at age 17 that it is really only a state of consciousness that stands between a real immortal and a mortal because once medical technology gets to the point of people becoming relatively immortal as people live 150, 200, 300, 500 and 1000 years and more is actually the way people think about themselves in relation to life.

I discovered that one of the first things one has to do at age 17 is to separate one's identity from their career. So, this allows a person to have one or multiple careers but then also to see being retired as a career, being married and a parent as a career and seeking enlightenment while traveling all over the world and through one's internal awareness as a career.

Once I had figured all that out as an intuitive by age 17 I realized I had come upon the psychological aspect of immortality, which is: "You cannot be physically immortal until you believe it is possible and as long as your only identity is your career whatever it is." The reason for this is when your career ends: "As all eventually do" you likely will die because your identity was too tied to this.

So, physically being capable of immortality is one thing and  psychologically being capable of immortality is another thing entirely. And both components are equally important in the end of surviving potential immortality.

The Immortal:

begin quote:
  (His) energy overcomes distinctions of life and death, representing instead a continual process of giving birth to new circumstances and possibilities.

As I read this I understood clearly that a compassionate manifestation of Crazy Wisdom likely would be the first Immmortal on Earth that people could recognize. Also, since all the Saints of earth generally were manifestations of Crazy Wisdom including Jesus this makes a whole lot of sense.

Because Compassionate Crazy Wisdom manifestations usually are not afraid of death at all. If they were they could not heal the sick, raise the dead or all the other things that they are said to do. Now, in western traditions people only think Jesus and his apostles did things like this. However, if you actually study comparative religions around the world there are people like in every religion.

I'm going to attempt to write here about an Immortal that discovers his own immortality by accident but who in his very nature is a compassionate Crazy Wisdom practitioner in every aspect of his life.

The Immortal:
As the Hawaiian sunset became more beautiful than anything he had recently seen, the heaven realms of Hawaii there in actuality opened up for him. He watched all the others in a form of rapture who were on the dinner cruise on the large catamaran now facing the Sunset off of Kihei, Maui, Hawaii.

He and his family and friends looked happy (even though finding this cruise was really nerve racking) because where the ship was supposed to actually be wasn't very clear). So they had spent about 1/2 hour just trying to find the ship among all the other catamarans at that docking area.

So, even when amazing things happen in life often there are stressful preludes to a lot of them. And if you can't survive the transitions then you are not there for the really amazing moments of your life.

The previous day he had taken a Snorkel Boat from Lahaina to Lanai and realized he was in a pure land or heaven realm just being there. So, even as he felt a little urpy (nausea) as he dropped into the water with his mask and snorkel on he wanted to make the best of it for his 23 year old daughter there. But, as luck would have it he found he had to cover the visibility of his mouth and no one noticed but the first mate of the dive boat who is paid to watch for divers with problems so she can rescue them before something more serious happens. She said, "Oh. I see you are feeding the fish. They change color to blue when they are eating." The Immortal had to laugh at this even as he swam closer to the dive boat to climb up the ladder onto the boat.

It was a really fast boat and looked a lot like a huge zodiak with inflatable sides and a hard bottom and the top was covered with a sort of canopy held in place by stainless steel poles and framework. The poles were very convenient to hold onto as one walked around the boat as it rock from the seas off Lanai.

A few days later the Immortal flew back to the Mainland. It was difficult because he had say goodbye to his daughter and knew that eventually she likely was going to break up with her boyfriend because he had lived with her long enough to either get more serious or to break up. But Alaskan Airlines computers were down for 5 hours and no planes could take off on any of their routes while this was taking place.

Little did he know at that point that a Solar Flare had gone off on October 4th and was hitting earth then on October 8th 2012 as all of them were preparing to fly home to the mainland. He wished his daughter still lived within an hour or two of him rather than a full two days drive by car from where he lived on the coast of California. So, in the end he didn't get to say goodbye to her because the schedules all changed while he was returning his SUV to the rental car agency there in Kahului. So, he was upset by this as well.

Then on top of that he was hit by the Solar Flare as it slammed into the magnetosphere at 30,000 feet. Later he learned that Solar Flares often create heart problems or heart attacks even around the globe in anything that has a heart here on earth that is exposed to the solar radiation since hearts operate on electricity too(only at very low electrical voltages that are electrochemical in nature).

As he flew he felt something was very wrong that was happening to him. He thought he should research when he got home whether any solar Flares had gone of on the news on the Internet. Sure enough, there was the one on the 4th that hit the 8th while he was flying. Later still, his daughter told him that solar flares and heart problems had been associated. This made complete sense to him.

It occurred to him that people who have near death experiences might be the ones who actually become relative immortals here on earth rather than those who have perfect health until they don't and often suddenly die. He conjectured that the reason for this was that those who have been faced with their own deaths many times in their lives for health reasons, often have come to terms with death and so might not freak out and panic like others might who haven't had this experience yet.

For, if there was anything he knew it was that "Panic kills faster than anything" over 40 to 50 years of age. If you want to be immortal you have to learn to never panic from your health and to get over being afraid of death in some way. Otherwise, you might not live past 40 or 50 if you don't master this.

So, the Immortal thought, "Yes. Those who learn to stay calm like soldiers in the field and unafraid of death likely will be the first human relative immortals who live to 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and beyond eventually."

The Immortal thought back to an Angiogram at Stanford Medical which is a part of Stanford University in the Bay area. His doctor was surprised of how clear his arteries and veins were as they had never seen anyone with such clear arteries and veins. The Immortal felt very mortal this day in Fall 1998 because he had already told his wife that her mother was dying because he felt obligated too. And his wife had gotten hysterical on him because of this. So, even though he was proven right about 2 months later he had been right that she was dying then. She had small cell lung cancer from smoking which was incurable. So, his wife's stepmother died in March and her mother died in April and after that she had a miscarriage of their son to be. But then in May his heart specialist told him that he had had a heart virus and that he was now cured.

But he had already retired. Now what was he to do with his life besides be a good parent to his 2 year old, his 10 year old, and his 25 year old who was going to Europe with a friend for a few months to ride around on the Eurail throughout mainland europe.

So, since he was no longer sick he took his mother to Scotland in the fall (1999) to see where her parents grew up in Scotland. Her mother had been from Clydebank and her father from Ayr, Scotland

Ayr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ayr (Scottish Gaelic: Inbhir Àir: Mouth of the River Ayr) is a town and port situated on the Firth of Clyde in south-west Scotland. With a population of around ...
end quote from Wikipedia.

Clydebank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clydebank is a town in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Situated on the north bank of the River Clyde, Clydebank borders Dumbarton to the west, as well as the ...
end quote from wikipedia.
So, he took his mother to Clydebank and Ayr so she could see where her parents were raised mostly because she was then 80 and he didn't know how much longer his mother had. This was probably her last big trip overseas.
Back to Stanford Medical Fall 1998. He was told that he would go in in the morning to try to find out what was wrong with him and that he should be released by nightfall. So, early in the morning he was wheeled into a room with a whole lot of technical instruments and about 10 to 20 doctors and nurses. It seemed kind of crowded in there and he was trying to not be scared about all this. Then the cut into his Femeral Artery carefully and snaked up it with something like a miniature roto rooter like device with a camera on the tip of it into his heart. This seemed pretty unnatural but this was what he had to endure today. So, as he watched this live on a TV Screen he saw this thing going up from his leg to his heart through his arteries and veins, I guess. It took many movies and pictures while there. 

After they were done they wheeled him back into a room full of gurneys.

Gurney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A gurney, known as a trolley outside North America, is the U.S. term for a type of stretcher used in modern hospitals and ambulances in developed areas.
end quote from Wikipedia.
with a whole bunch of middle aged to mostly old people who seemed very sad and scared and wondered if they would die that day. There were about 60 of these in the pre-operation room looking at each other quite scared and alone.
It was at this point that "The Immortal" realized just how stupid he had been not to publish any of his works and realizations online. It was 1998 and the Internet was just getting going and he realized that if he survived today and that he survived whatever was wrong with him that he would write about all his realizations and experiences to help mankind from then on online until he died whether that was a day or 50 years, this was what he was going to do. He wasn't scared anymore and realized fully that being scared to write the truth was really stupid. Because not writing he was depriving mankind of hearing about all his amazing experiences and realizations throughout this whole lifetime. Most people don't seem to have experiences like his because they aren't brave enough to live a life like he had. So, his duty was to share what God had shown him along the way. So, today he saw all this is God literally scaring him to death in order to make him do the right thing for God and Life and Angels. He understood. "God. I will write as long as you want me to and share whatever you need me to from now on."
And so he did. That was 14 years ago this fall and he is still writing now. 

So, as he waited with all the others he was told they were going to do electrical testing on his heart. So, next he was wheeled into another room full of some of the most advanced electronic instruments on earth. The nurse injected into his IV something. And he felt higher than he had ever felt before. He asked her 'Please I don't want to get any higher'. Her look was a little perverse as she said, "We need you not to jump reflexively off the Gurney during heart stimulation as he slammed into unconsciousnes. Oh, he found out later that he wasn't really unconscious, he just couldn't remember any of it. They do this so they can talk to the patient without this recording on their memories so they don't remember anything because it would be too horrific for the patient to consciously remember it.

So, I guess if you imagine heart starting paddles with the patient jumping around from the charges that would be the kind of thing you remembered if you were allowed to remember it.

Then the World Reknowned heart surgeon walked into my wife and son and said, "We couldn't do anything for him." As my wife began to faint he corrected himself by saying, "He's okay I just can't repair his irregular heartbeat. But it won't be fatal. But we still don't know what's wrong."

My wife was not very happy about that. However, this was fall 1998 and by may 1999 I was told I would live and be okay even if my feet might turn blue sometimes while I slept. So, I should get all the exercise I could when I was awake to keep my blood moving well. So, I needed to not get stressed out, so I should stay retired, and I should also be as active as possible. My wife was very happy that I lived through all this for her and our 2 year old daughter and my 10 year old daughter and my 25 year old son.

If you can imagine how I felt in May after thinking I likely would die for 7 months and also having retired, saying I was in an altered state of consciousness would be an understatement.

However, what had changed me the most was feeling like every moment of my life from then on was Grace was also there too. So, I lost completely any feeling of middle Aged Crazy because to my mind I had already died multiple times in the last 7 months every time I had to pass out and not panic when my heart couldn't oxygenate properly no matter how fast I breathed caused by my heart virus.

So, God had nearly killed me and everyone else I knew of who had had a heart virus that year had died. So, I felt Blessed and magic and somehow immortal in some ways too. Living on only by the Grace of God. My Dermatologist eventually didn't want me as his patient anymore because I reminded him of his cousin who was one of those who had died from a heart virus that year. Life is tough in the end for everyone. But, somehow, by God's Grace I was still alive when so many were not. There had to be some reason for this!

Now, we flash forwards 14 years to the present. Would God continue his life? As he walked with his wife into the doctors he felt concerned. It reminded him a little of the Heart Virus  for 7 months that was 14 years ago this fall. He was told he had to take medicines to rebuild his heart which were very powerful ones and it would take a few weeks to get used to them. He wondered if he could do this? There wasn't much choice this time either. These medicines seemed the only way to rebuild his heart so he could go on living a normal life. The first few days were difficult adjusting. His mind was clearer but at times he felt dizzy a little from the combination of medicines (3 on top of the one prescription from before this). So now, it looks like his heart might be starting to rebuild itself. 20 or 30 years ago he would have been considered a walking corpse but now they knew these medicines can rebuild a heart in his condition so he might be saved. More medical Miracles for anyone insured or who can afford them worldwide! Thank you God for medical miracles! 

Note: For my condition an Ace Inhibitor combined with a new form of Beta Blocker that doesn't make you feel lobotomized in your mind and a diuretic on top of my regular single medicine might be rebuilding my heart and saving my life to continue to live a healthy active life ongoing!

So, what is or are the key or keys to immortality?

Answer: when you are born (in what century or centuries) then being psychologically and medically prepared for it. These three things are first.

But also, being of naturally good genetics (or a real survivor in consciousness who is optimistic and who will never give up completely or both). Compassion for oneself and all beings in all time and space (this heals one internally and makes that one a desirable one to keep alive for others). 
Also, a Good relationship with Self and Life and if possible God or Buddha or Jesus or something like this.

All these things likely contribute in multiple ways to becoming potentially immortal. However, even if we live 100, 1000 or even 10,000 years eventually likely as long as we live in human bodies we likely will pass on in some ways still until we turn into light or a sun or star or nebula or something like that. and even then our lifespans might be millions or billions of years (as long as we were still living in a space time continuum).

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