Monday, November 5, 2012

Which disaster are you preparing for? Nov. 5

The disaster you are presently preparing for may not be the one you should be preparing for. This has always been a problem for mankind. They are preparing for one thing and another completely different thing happens and many pass away as a result. So, I advocate first of all, watching your dreams.

This might seem like a silly thing to do for some of you, but watching your dreams and interpreting them might also save your life and the lives of your families in the coming years.

When I studied with Native American medicine Men and Women in the early 1980s they taught me how to get at senses that are mostly covered over by people living in cities.

The best way I can explain it is we all have amazing senses that tend to go dormant the more we live around loud noises, cars, buses, trucks, planes, TV, Internet, and all the other sensory overloads that individuals and groups tend to live around all the time. This "White Noise" tends to obscure necessary survival senses that we all have naturally.

So, when unexpected things start to happen who do you suppose tends to be injured or die the quickest? That's right. City people who have shut down their natural senses by over stimulation from unnatural technology. It isn't that technology is necessarily bad. It is just that it has it's place. And if it goes deeper than it's place it can also be life threatening. So, it is important to develop all your senses and faculties during this century because it might mean your life and the lives of your family if you don't.

Television, Internet, etc. may not save you from what is coming. But your instincts, intuition and prayer just might.

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