Friday, February 15, 2013

More Blogs LIke Mine are needed Worldwide

There is a demand for blogs worldwide like mine I have noticed. Here are some examples of what I mean.

A High average of hits per day for this site would be 500 to 600 and a low average for a day would be 250 to 300 hits per day. And an ongoing average of hits for this site per month is close to 11,000 hits. What this means in real time is that this site brings in a minimum of 120,000 hits a year now at this point.

It wasn't always like this. For years I didn't even check my stats at all. But about 2 or 3 years ago I started to check and found out what my readers were interested in. So, I was actually very surprised at what people were interested in. So, I began to give people more what they seemed to want. The need seemed to be human interest articles quoted and also my comments about those quoted articles, also things in the news that were going to affect all of us sooner or later, and also investment opportunities, but also spiritual and compassionate articles about becoming more compassionate and evolved as human beings around the world.

For example, since I often can see the future both because I am a natural intuitive and because I have lived a long time (almost 65 years) I have seen a whole lot of things come and go since the 1950s. So, I have a much better idea than many younger people about what will stay and what will go of new things coming up. And I often have a better idea of what is important about thinking and doing to live a long life, because most people I knew during my life (even my own age) are often dead now. So, I tend to know things about what one can do when they are young (under 30) if they want to have a good life and live until they are 90 100 or more. So, these kinds of knowledge are not only useful they often are priceless and save people's lives.

I have tried not to use advertisements in regard to this site. I see it as  public service to mankind of Earth and have even put "Google Translate" here at my site which translates the complete site into one of at least 65 languages here on earth to be helpful to readers around the world. Even though it might only usefully translate 50 to 75% of what I'm trying to say in a usable context. Still, that is better than nothing in most cases.

So, what I'm saying is there is a need for more thoughtful and experienced blogs like mine from people who have survived whatever the world has brought to them for 50 years or more.

For me, this is a Calling that I believe God brought me back to life after almost dying for 7 months to do. However, I think more blogs like mine are needed in languages around the world. Have a good Day!

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