Tuesday, June 25, 2013



A friend of mine sent this to me and right off the top it seemed sort of paranoid. However, this is the kind of information that might be important to realize that the Shadow Government I was talking about in other articles operates in this way. The fact that this document is out of NASA should be food for thought. If it was out of the NSA it would make more sense to me than NASA though.

If this lady is correct (I haven't read this document she is talking about) then this makes sense just from a corporate point of view.

Humans were only necessary to work as slaves for the rich up until now. Likely this is the only reason why so  many humans have been allowed to live at once on Earth. However, thinning out the human race is an obvious thing that the wealthy elite would want to do to have less competition for resources.

World War I and II were in some ways mostly about thinning out the human race (100 million people mostly civilians died in World War II).

But, what I find interesting about what this lady is talking about is this point of view would likely have to come from an alien race farming earth's resources including humans.

Am I worried personally about this? No. Because if God wants me around I will go where I'm directed and take my family with me when that time comes.

However, understanding that there are people who actually think this way that could be called a Corporate or Shadow World Government might be useful for as many people as possible to know about.

As a futurist and seer and Intuitive I see people becoming psyborgs already. What is a prosthesis? What is a hip or knee replacement?  What is a heart transplant or a liver or kidney transplant. What are glasses or computers or cars or planes or powerboats? We are already becoming a type of psyborg, some more some less. So, that part is already here. Also, it is inevitable that humans are thinned out either by starvation or war or something else. That is inevitable to happen just for the human race not to go extinct in some nuclear flash all of a sudden.

So, many changes are coming but we have control around the world regarding what kind of changes these will be if we are vigilant worldwide by God's Grace.

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