Saturday, June 29, 2013

Climate Change Worldwide

As you can see by the last 4 blogs I posted by various scientists and groups of scientists, world climate change not only is speeding up but changing the way diseases operate. As climates become hotter, wetter, drier (depending upon the location) diseases and their causes and hosts seek to grow as the can according to opportunity.

So, we are seeing and will continue to see diseases growing in areas where they weren't before because of rising temperatures and increased or decreased precipitation as a direct result. We are seeing increased flooding in some areas and more droughts in others which has been predicted in most climate models as a symptom of increasing Global Climate change and planetary heating.

The most serious long term problem however, seems to be the methane release from arctic regions. The methane which has been trapped for thousands and millions of years is now being released at times in catastrophic amounts periodically. Since methane is many times more heat trapping and dangerous than CO2 (I think it about 9 times more dangerous at least) and the fact that methane in the atmosphere can severely affect global warming up to 21 years before it degrades into something other than CH4 causes concern for everyone on the planet. If and when you watch videos of researchers setting fire to methane bubbles as they release the methane from under the ice from Alaska on North you can see first hand just how dangerous methane release is to the planet in multiple ways.

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