Sunday, June 23, 2013

I retired at 50

(of Course the alternative to retiring at 50 at the time was my death). So, since I had a 2 1/2 year old baby daughter at that time I refused to die. So, the only way to assure I would be alive for her to be her Dad growing up was to retire which I found sort of difficult. But I found it more manageable than dying.

It took me about 5 years to adapt to all the changes because I had expected to have to work until I died. So, when I retired and didn't die I was mostly extremely surprised in a sort of Post traumatic Stress kind of place.

However, in fall 1998 when I thought I was dying angels came to me and then I was sure I was dying and that they had come for me to take me to heaven. However, that isn't what they said. Instead they said in unison, "You aren't going to die. Your life will get better now!" And they kept saying this over and over until it was felt deep in my soul and deep into all the cells of my body. And even though parts of my mind wanted to dismiss this I had learned through experience to always listen to angels because I have never found them to be wrong about anything in my life.

So, they were right. I didn't die and my life got better. I could never have imagined a life like I have led since 1999 now. But, it is important to say here that, "The Good news is that I'm retired and the Bad news is that I'm retired". The problem of retirement is sort of like what if you are a kid and summer vacation never ever ended. What would you think of that? So, I guess it can be both the best and the worst thing that ever happened to you even on the same day. So, the best word for retirement is paradox.

So, if you are capable of living inside a paradox then you will LOVE retirement.

And even then it takes at least 5 years to adapt to it so it's better if you do it young enough so you
can survive the adaptation. My Dad only lasted 5 years after he retired.

So, if you have your health maybe working part time (if you psychologically need to be working and busy is something to think about).

I'm  natural nature person and a natural contemplative sort of like a monk in some ways with a family. So, it works for me. Besides I have the time to share all these realizations and neat ideas with all of you to hopefully make your lives a little easier and better in the process.

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