Sunday, July 21, 2013

Human magnetic fields mirror the Earth's

Note: All of this must be seen as a theory and not as a law. But this is what I believe from everything I have studied and experienced. end note.

It appears to me that human beings and likely all animals, birds and fish etc. have magnetic fields that mirror the earth's. What may generate our magnetic fields or Auras appears to be the life force which is electrochemically generated that runs our brains and muscles as well as all the organs of the body. So, as all these many living organisms that compose the one organism that is us when all together when life force is present generates this magnetic field that some people can see which they call the aura.

For example, in November 1998 the year I thought I might be dying myself I went to Thanksgiving at my mother in law's house with my wife and daughter. However, as we were eating our Thanksgiving meal I noticed her aura wasn't right. For someone who doesn't see these things it would be in that situation like looking at an egg without all the liquid egg stuff inside it.  So, because the aura wasn't full with life force I knew her mother was dying.

Because I knew I might be dying too even though angels had told me explicitly, "You're not going to die your life will get better now" I still felt a duty to inform my wife of this unfortunate occurrence in case there might be some way to save her mother's life by doctors and western or eastern forms of medicine. However, my wife instead just got hysterical because she was already worried about me dying. So, I had to back off even though I could see her mother was going to die within 1 year or less. So, 2 months later her mother's doctor told her she had inoperable small cell lung cancer. I felt really bad because then I knew that both her stepmother and her mother were going to die within months of each other which was going to be a lot for my wife to survive.

Life isn't always the way you want it to be. Could her mother have been saved? Probably unlikely. But, on the other hand possibly if there was more time with people rational and calm enough maybe just maybe her mother's life might have been saved. I'm not sure.

But, when a body dies it loses not only the (fill in) magnetic field it also loses the what I would call framework. I sort of see this "framework" as a sort of egg shaped thing that is there until the last moment of death and then it is gone.

So, is a soul a magnetic field (electricity) or the magnetic field itself? I'm not sure what to call it. I just know what we call a soul doesn't naturally live in time and space but its natural state likely is within what is stupidly called "Dark Matter" which is 96% of the universe and does not exist in the Time Space Continuum that we all live in as human beings here on earth.

And yet it is always here all around us. Any physicist can tell you this. It isn't just out in space or beyond galaxies it is right here right now too.

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