Monday, July 22, 2013

Time Travel?

I would say that I have had enough experiences that convince me that Time travel exists now and likely has since before the human race came into existence. (Yes. I know this is quite a statement) But, I'm not trying to prove to you that this is true. I'm only saying I have enough evidence that I have seen, read and experienced directly to believe that this is true. If I don't have to convince you too then I'm ahead of the game.

So, what does one do with this information once one has been convinced of this. I suppose the single most important thing it does is to completely change all your reference points. Another thing that for me perfectly interfaces with this is "Souls only have reference to Time and Space when they live in bodies." So, in some ways the two statements "Time travel existed before the human race came into being on earth" AND "The Natural state of all human souls is not in a Time Space continuum except when a soul is in a physical body like we are here on earth."

For example, if something happens historically and people believe it is "Set In Stone" that would no longer be true. So, it sort of feels like the rug being pulled out from under you. Because then everything you ever experienced or anything anyone ever experienced or any animal, bird or insect or fish or whatever ever experienced might be invalidated by someone flying by in a flying saucer one day and accidentally blowing up Earth 1 million years ago. But then someone else might take that situation and say, "Hey. I don't want Earth to be Blown up" so they would go back in time and shoot that guy in his saucer when he came by so he wouldn't blow Earth up. And then maybe he would want the dinosaurs to evolve into something like humans so he would prevent Maldek the planet out past Mars from turning into the Asteroid belt so that the asteroid from the thermonuclear war that blew up the planet Maldek (the asteroid belt now)   wouldn't take place. So, now Maldek the planet and our ancestors wouldn't have accidentally blown it up and had to colonize Earth and kill all the big dinosaurs with an asteroid like we did back then so we could colonize it without being eaten alive by tyranosaurus Rex or his friends.

So, if time travel exists nothing is permanent in the physical universe even history for any planet or star. This changes everything. But, if humans don't understand this they don't have a chance in having any control over their lives at all. Knowing all this, each moment is precious in a way no one ever understood. Each memory is precious because you never know when someone is going to change time or space or both. Each moment we live is ultimately precious to each of us because we don't know when someone might change it to something else. Each moment and life is precious because we don't know when someone might be erased from time for some reason or even for no reason at all.

A similar change happened when Newtonian physics was first stood on it's head by Einstein and all the rest starting with E=MC2.

If you see like I do that time travel has always been here and that the U.S., Russia (maybe China and Great Britain and others might have it too) then that changes everything since about World War II as well. But, who had it before us and why would they let us have it too? Maybe because if they forced us only to use it regarding Earth it would ONLY prevent Nuclear Wars? Have you ever wondered about the laws of probability and why we haven't blown ourselves up yet with nuclear weapons?

Why is all this important?

Because it invalidates how we as human beings see everything. We tend to see everything as solid and we look at history as being solid. It is not. If time travel is real the past, present and future is constantly changing. Only our memories of our experiences are solid and sometimes even then our personal mythologies of what actually happened kicks in rather than what a neutral observer might see or experience of any given event or events.

So, what is real?

My answer likely would be: "What is meaningful to you to be real?"
That might be the most important question to ask. In other words "What do you value?"

So, for me, knowing full well that time travel has been going on long before humans ever came to Earth it means that travel from any point in the physical universe to any other time and space in the physical universe is instantaneous because of the combination of time and space travel for those allowed to have this technology.

This changes everything. Because those in charge of the physical universe with this technology will just change everything they want. This is a given. If something exists they don't like they just change it to something they do like. Likely this would be done at a Galactic Level.

So, since I experience and believe that time travel has always been here on earth as long as humans have been alive even in Cave man and Cave Woman times it changes everything about everything.

For example, for someone with this technology (as long as there are not two with this technology competing) one person (with this technology) could change everything. As long as only one group of like minded individuals has this technology war would not exist in the physical universe. (except where they weren't interested in stopping small wars). Also, this would convince people that time travel didn't exist.

(except for people like you and I who can see through this ruse).

So, you can see I don't even need to convince you. Philosophically, my logic is flawless. Just look at the law of probability alone in regard to us lasting 68 years with just how crazy people are here on earth. (let along 7 billion of us at once). How do you think we avoided it so far. Tell me that logically?

So, for all you logicians out there prove me wrong. If you can't then philosophically at least you also know that time travel is here now has always been here and will always be here. Because here is the logical problem right here:

If time travel is scientifically possible and it is then possible to change the past, present or future or all of them, then it has already been invented somewhere and logically then exists throughout all time and space in the physical universe.

This is a completely flawless bit of logic. So, if time travel is possible it is already here. It is already everywhere in time and space.

Note: As a Time Controller why wouldn't you stop small wars?
Because it acts as a population control mechanism to keep world populations in check so worse problems don't result. The same would be true of cataclysmic events like tornadoes, earthquakes, Hurricanes, floods etc. This also would be true of ecological degradation from humans and animals. Since food and clean water resources are finite, as a world population grows more and more will die form starvation, bad water etc. So, the limits of resources also limit world populations from existing. This allows a more park atmosphere to exist on earth. The Ecology worldwide naturally limits world populations no matter what any governments do. Since someone who isn't from earth likely would see it as a park for them to visit with us and all the animals being entertainment and exoticness, this also makes sense for exactly why all things are the way they are.

When people make movies about aliens usually they are aliens within 100 to 1000 years of us technologically. However, likely who we are dealing with is groups 1,000,000 to 100 million years ahead of us technologically and culturally. So, we would be like deer in a park in comparison to them.
So, war is a ridiculous concept under these circumstances. It would be like the U.S. Government or the United Nations declaring war on a tribe in South America that has never seen a phone or a computer. It would be silly.

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