Saturday, August 31, 2013

50 years of anti-depressants often creates only Suicide and Death in the end

“In nearly 50 years of prescribing anti-depressants the results are all to frequently the same - drug addiction, mental impairment, irrational and violent behavior, panic attacks, suicide, and death.” – end quote from: IMS Health National Prescription Audit PLUS. and from:

The drugs you take: Mood altering drugs | Washington Times ...

When I was a counselor for emotionally disturbed teenagers a psychiatrist working at the same care facility would often prescribe mood altering drugs like Prosac for his patients there. However, since where I worked was a halfway house where people were not institutionalized but there voluntarily with their parents agreement I was asked to make sure these young people took their medications. However, I became suspicious then during the early 1990s of these medications when patients told me of their horrific experiences with these drugs. So, I began to do research and found out that mood altering drugs permanently rewire human brains. When they do this a human brain stops being what it has been for thousands of years. (In other words it stops being a useful tool for someone's survival).

I can imagine an animal in the wilds taking a mood altering drug and the consequences of doing this. Basically, all the animals taking mood altering drugs would all be immediately eaten by their predators. end of story.

So, this to me is the main problem with mood altering drugs. The fear and paranoia that people experience in the course of their lives have to be there in order for them to survive the horrific world we actually live in every day. Just trying to live in a fairy tale of what life is by taking drugs is only a slow or fast ticket to panic attacks and suicide in the end. nothing more.


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