Saturday, September 28, 2013


I found myself today feeling dizzy and faint which is very unusual for me. So, we decided to go out for a big meal to ground us before the memorial. My wife looked at me and said, "Fred, the last memorial you went to was for your best friend from High School." I said, "Wow! Now I realized why I'm like this and I feel so faint."

That day of my friend's funeral a couple of years ago now I was so angry and upset at my friend's death that I couldn't even speak for about 4 to 6 hours before the funeral that day. So, today I breathed out a sigh of relief now at understanding why I was dizzy and lightheaded today. It was the first funeral I had attended since then (Thank God it had been 2 years since then!)

After a nice meal we both had calmed down enough to joke with each other. Like I told my wife why I got the runs going into Portland on the way up as she was worried by phone about me then. I told her the reason I got the runs at age 65 is  3 chick-o-sticks  candy bars and part of an Abbazabba candy bar. That much sugar was just too much for me at this age and I got the runs as a result. She laughed so hard I thought we were going to cry. We both desperately needed something funny today to laugh at to cut the tension at losing the girlfriend of her stepfather. We both were worried for her stepfather because he is now 95 and we don't want to lose him too because of this. But, he has a brother 99 who is still fine and has all his marbles just like him. So, maybe he will weather this too like he weathered my wife's mother's passing in 1999.

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