Saturday, September 28, 2013

The History of Technology: The Great Restructuring

This is not a quote from a wikipedia page because this page doesn't exist yet and even when it does exist likely it would be called, "The Singularity" because nothing like it has happened ever before on Earth (unless there were civilizations like us now before the last ice age or ice ages).

The Great Restructuring we are witnessing right now every day here on earth. it is in progress whether we understand it or not. It doesn't really care whether or not we understand it just like "The Industrial revolution didn't care who understood it and who didn't and Henry Ford didn't care who understood what Mass production of Automobiles was going to do to the world and the price of autos to where almost any American could afford to buy one.

Likewise today, there will be those who understand it and those who don't. And so far I haven't heard much about this on CNN or any other station for that matter except for specials about the 20 to 25 thousand dollar robots used in Factories now in China, the U.S. and Europe and elsewhere gaining ground since about 2011.

Here are all the "History of Technology Quotes from Wikipedia I quoted here at my website so you could better see what is coming by having seen what has happened before in the Technological Revolutions of the past. Just like then no one really could predict any final outcomes of the changes brought be any of these previous technological revolutions.

We all know now that the world is forever changed by them just like the world will be forever changed by the coming "singularity".

So, the more involved in this change all of us are the more likely we will even want to survive it when it comes and comes and comes just like all the variations of the Industrial revolution have before for over 200 years or more already.

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