Friday, December 27, 2013

The Purpose of Singularity University

I was looking through the websites about Singularity University and noticed that Ray Kurzweil is one of the founders. His stated purpose always has been to be a technological prophet (that even Bill Gates recognizes as predicting to him the Internet 20 years before it happened). So, Kurzweil possibly more than any other single individual is a technological prophet of the Singularity.

The purpose of Singularity University appears to be to immerse world leaders of business and politics directly into the most advanced breakthroughs of technology and science. It is a top down approach to technological breakthroughs of all kinds. The idea seems to be to put people in situations watching new technology actually operate and to be educated as to it's potential ongoing. This is one way to combine technologies and to jump start the next smart phones, Ipads etc. from before they even existed 10 or 20 years ago. After these technologies are developed and manufactured then it is up to the general public to embrace these technologies or not at every step of the way.

As everyone knows "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". This is true of people too. They will either buy into new technologies or they won't for good, bad or indifferent reasons. The Singularity is coming in quantum jumps, leaps and fits every day. IF it weren't we wouldn't already have self driving cars and planes and boats and ships. So, the way we integrate the new technologies or not worldwide will create whatever good or bad or indifferent future we all live in. The more you and I participate in all this the more we can help shepard in a Golden Age of the Singularity so it doesn't just become a Nightmare of a singularity ending with the extinction of the whole human race.

Imagine 100,000 hydrogen bombs in technological change. That is what we are facing now. Do we turn those 100,000 hydrogen bombs into suns that become power sources ongoing or will they destroy the earth and all upon it like we did on the planet that once was the Asteroid Belt 65 million years ago?

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