Monday, January 20, 2014

Do your present beliefs contribute to your life or your death?

This is something for all of us to think about. For example, if you were a suicide terrorist for example, your beliefs just killed you or have killed you or will kill you. Now, if the person you were in love with and couldn't be with made you want to commit suicide and you were rewarded by your religious beliefs for blowing yourself up then this might be understandable if you were a Muslim in the Middle East or Southern Russia right now.

But, for all the rest of us in the world who think this is completely crazy it is another thing entirely and we wonder why anyone would ever choose to do this? However, young men have been going to war as a way to commit honorable suicide as long as there have been wars. It is a convenient way to die and to be honored for it too.

So, thinking about how what you believe is creating or destroying your life both now and into the future is always important for everyone on earth. So, if you want to live you might have to change your belief system in order to continue staying alive. How important is it to you to be alive?

From about November 1969 for about 2 years straight it would have been much more useful to me personally to be dead than to be alive. However, I looked at what suicide had done to  the families that had been visited by this and I realized I couldn't do this to my parents. It didn't matter what I wanted I couldn't do this to them, my relatives and my friends. So, I stayed alive for them and simply repressed or redirected my feelings until by age 26 I was married and had a son. So, with this son I now had a reason to stay alive to make sure he grew up right. I had a life! So, I lived it. I no longer had to worry about why I wanted to stay alive. I knew why I was staying alive. It was to raise my son to adulthood. My son will turn 40 this year and my two daughters are about 20 years younger. But, it all started by caring enough about raising my son to stay alive. This is what worked for me ongoing. It might work for some of you with a similar belief system too.

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