Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Mindful Revolution?

When I started reading "The Mindful Revolution" in (Time Magazine on February 3rd 2014) I realized that this movement is just advocating what everyone I knew did when I was growing up in the 1950s when I was a child. In otherwords they were present in every single moment.

If you are not present in every single moment when you walk down the street, ride a bicycle, eat a raisin, you are possibly going to fall down walking, crash into something on your bicycle, or choke on your raisin. To someone who grew up in the 1950s this just makes sense. But, to people who mostly grew up playing video games, watching TV or Youtube and not being out of doors that much like people who grow up in cities, "The Mindful Revolution" might be a revelation sort of like discovering Zen thought of always being in the moment.

But, anything you do physically, from eating to walking to driving a car or riding a bicycle or anything else that requires concentration doing it, if you are not mindful then it is very likely you soon will be either injured or dead.

So, for people who haven't at 8 years old like I did, laid on their front lawns and looked up at the clouds sometimes for hours while watching the patterns turn into dragons, schooners and all sorts of other things, or walked through a beautiful forest while listening to the birds sing and watching deer the way they rustle through the leaves and quietly gingerly walk past a human being, or stood at the edge of the Grand Canyon being amazed at such a deep and wide canyon cut by just a river at different stages through thousands to millions of years, maybe the mindful revolution will be useful in just staying alive and enjoying and experiencing life enough to want to actually be alive another day!

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