Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Writing is Interesting

I haven't written as much involved "Short Story" kind of stuff since October 8th 2012 when I started to have some heart problems. I'm not sure if it is because I was sort of worried about my son because of his divorce or whether I was having heart problems or both of them were sort of tied together. However, I love to write short stories because they can be very involving and interesting.

Especially as an intuitive often what I find happens is that I am writing actual events from a timeline. However, if you too are an Intuitive precognitive psychic you like me know that if you write about the future in any way you also change future events by doing this. One of the reasons this changes the future might be obvious to a logical person. It is because imagine if you knew your future (or even part of the future of the human race) before it happened and you didn't like part of what happened. Wouldn't you try to change the future event regarding that event in some way. It wouldn't really matter whether you were changing that event through your thoughts, prayers or actions. Any way you look at it you would slightly or completely change future events just by being aware of them before they happen for the same reason you would change your own futures if you knew of certain events you didn't want to happen before they happened.

So, I try to be aware of what NEEDS to happen for the whole human race to survive here on earth and mostly write about things that would enhance the future for more people everywhere rather than write about something that might actually end the human race here on earth or cause the end of the human race here on earth. I think most writers in one way or another (even if they aren't conscious of doing this) are sort of like this unless they are suicidal in their thoughts not only for themselves but for everyone. And, unfortunately there actually are people like this too.

So, my writing is mostly about making the best futures for all of us in the present, future and past. It is my experience as an intuitive that the past, present and future is constantly changing.

This might seem counter intuitive to many of you but it is the actual way things operate because time travel is used by governments in the past, present and future of this galaxy and all galaxies. It is used both as an enhancement but also as a way to conduct wars with only one or two beings changing whole time lines of planets. So, understanding this might be helpful for people on earth to know that are scientific in their natures and interests. It might be important for governments to know about this too.

Note: Don't worry about my son he is getting married again soon and is happy in his new life.

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