Thursday, February 20, 2014

The longer stuff I have written:---------

Though I have written all throughout my life it has mostly been about self therapy. In other words I wrote to better understand myself and what was happening in life around me since I was 6 or 8 years old.

When I was 32 I started writing about Arcane and at that time though I have been an intuitive all my life I believed that reincarnations we sequential through time. So, I didn't think then it was possible to live in the future before you reincarnate in the past, present or future. I saw reincarnation as something my soul did but not bopping through time randomly in some fashion. This changed in 1998 and 1999.

However, when I had a heart virus in 1998 and 1999 and doctors thought I would die just like most heart virus patients did then because they couldn't diagnose it until I was over it through the process of elimination. So, as I heard about literally every heart virus patient I knew of then die it was kind of difficult for me to believe I was going to live. However, I did and here I am today in 2014 still alive and kicking with my health still intact where I can ski and ride a motorcycle and travel the world and ski with friends and my daughter in California and Oregon or wherever we might want to go.

So, my point of view is that it is a miracle that I survived at all so I tend to be grateful for this every day. However, facing death for a long period of time in a sense you see yourself as dead already. So, for me, death isn't something to fear anymore because it could come literally at any time to any of us. But, on the other hand we might live a really long time now because of medical advances that move forward exponentially every day around the world.

So now, after having been forced to retire in 1998 when I couldn't oxygenate my blood well because of a heart virus I'm still also here today in 2014.

The first thing I did when I realized I was going to have to retire was to start a website. Because I pledged to God if I survived this I would do this when I sat on a guerney along with about 50 or 60 other heart patients that didn't know whether or not they were going to survive that day or that operation. So, every since 1999 in the summer I have had a site you could call a blog site, first at Geocities before it was bought by yahoo and then after it was bought by Yahoo and eventually I converted that site to a business website that I named or here is the word button for it:

dragonofcompassion - Home

If you go there all the longer stuff that I could remember to compile there is there. However, likely there is a lot of stuff slightly less long still at intuitivefred888 here that didn't get put there because I don't get paid for any of this and do it sort of as a public service to mankind.

I don't consider myself to be a good writer. But I do come from a long line of storytellers who told stories around the campfires or fireplaces before radios and TVs were invented and after. However, because I'm an intuitive, if you are an intuitive or interested in such things you might be interested in what I have written.

I'm never really ever trying to write fiction but instead trying to understand life here on earth and beyond in multiple contexts.

So, to call what I write fiction isn't really useful. Rather it is a voyage of discovery for me and possibly for you too.


The story I like to tell to understand what I'm writing about is a true anthropological story that I believe happened around the 1830s to 1840s likely somewhere between Kansas and Nevada. A Native American than had never seen a wagon before watched the man trying to fix the broken spoke in the the wagon wheel. An animal was crying because another man was up in the wagon hitting it's teeth. So, it made howling noises when he hit it's teeth.

Later this native American went home and told this story to his tribe about the creature screaming in the back of the wagon as the man hit it's teeth. 

What was the creature screaming in the back of the wagon? A piano.

What I write is sort of like the Native American describing what I see and experience. As a human who was born and raised on earth as I experience things not from earth I have to describe it how I experience it and not how they experience it. However, I'm not alone here on earth experiencing these kinds of things. There are millions of us. But most of us don't write about our experiences like I do.

I write of my experiences so others can learn and survive whatever comes in their lives. That is the best way to explain it. So, though you might relegate what I write to legend it is not really fiction. How many other writers are writing of their experiences in the past, present and future in other lifetimes? One of the reasons Star Wars strikes a chord in so many of us is it might be true in the past, present or future of many of us here right now in other lifetimes.

Also, I tend to not put endings on things so I can write more in the future. The only thing I have written that has sort of an ending is the "Memories" series that has 11 parts.

So, if you think or feel this might be useful for you to read it is all at:


dragonofcompassion - Home

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