Sunday, June 29, 2014

It is Vital now that more people begin blogging to inform the world so less people die needlessly

Most people die from ignorance around the world. They die because they don't know enough to save themselves. A big part of all the deaths right now in the middle east and even in Ukraine is from ignorance of what is actually going on.

So, the more of you out there that can blog and get the word out the less people will actually die from ignorance of not knowing what they need to about things around the world.

The more of us that can gather and integrate information the more lives we might be able to save over the next 50 to 100 years or more.

Gathering and processing useful information saves lives. Because each death creates horrific situations for families and traumas for each family to deal with. So when people die unnecessarily a ripple of chaos travels through societies and those groups become dysfunctional often because of unnecessary deaths.

So, by blogging you help heal those rifts with useful information which allows our world to better survive overpopulation, wars, famines, and chaos of all kinds including Global Climate changes. The better informed people are of all changes the more likely they will survive whatever comes.

Though many won't survive what is coming some of us must survive to carry the human race forward in as useful a way as possible ongoing. By God's Grace.

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