Monday, July 7, 2014

ISIS: Tip of the Spear for Sunni Nations

The tip of the ISIS (ISIL) (The Islamic state) spear is obviously the "Islamic State" but what is less widely known is that this is the violent end of Sunni nations in their revenge against everything that has happened to Sunnis in Syria for the last 3 years. Sunnis have taken very personally what Assad, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have done in genociding all Sunnis in Syria.

So, even though most Sunnis don't generally agree with the "more extreme and brutal than Al Qaeda" approach of ISIS and the Islamic state, still they support revenge being taken upon all Shias in Iran, Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and anywhere else for the genociding of Sunnis in Syria. I think understanding this is helpful for everyone on earth so this whole thing makes more sense than it presently does to most people.

Iran and Maliki in Iraq want to call ISIS and "The Islamic State" a terrorist group. But, that isn't really what it is to Sunnis. To Sunnis ISIS is actually like a group of hired assassins paid for by irate rich Sunni Oil barons to assassinate as many Shias as possible in revenge for what has and is happening to all Sunnis in Syria. And the bloodletting and Shia mosques being blown up by "The Islamic State likely is going to continue as long as "The Islamic State" has money, soldiers and resources.

So, understanding all this is completely necessary to get what is really going on here. From afar it makes no sense at all to most people in the world.

I even heard a Shia General Say north of Baghdad while being interviewed by Arwa Damon on CNN that he really was being careful not to start a sectarian bloodletting in his area because that is the last thing he wants because he sees the danger. However, he is protecting Baghdad from further incursions of the Islamic State and ISIS(ISIL) as that is necessary.

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