Tuesday, September 23, 2014

West Africa and Beliefs regarding Ebola

The problem right now in West Africa appears to be that people there often don't believe in Western Medicine which might be the only way to stop this epidemic now. Always before, enough resources were put in place before it got this bad.

However, this is what happens when just too many crises affect the world at one time just after The Great Recession with another recession taking place in Europe, with Assad killing Sunnis (about 200,000) now with ISIS killing Shias, Christians, Yazidis, Turkmen and everyone else, with Russia invading Ukraine and already taking Crimea, Ebola didn't get covered and now the whole world might be in trouble.

Can Ebola now be stopped?

This is debatable.

However, the present problem has to do with a lack of western education regarding medical science. So, when people say to most uneducated people: "If your friend or relative gets Ebola give them to us in the funny suits so they can go die alone never being touched by a friendly spirit ever again."

This is the reality.

Whereas we here in the Western world See a Pandemic like this as a war that we must win at all costs.

This is not how it is perceieved by the average common person in West Africa. There the rumor presently is that "White people are bringing Ebola in to kill Black Africans" and I imagine ISIS and Boko Haram are helping spread these rumors over the radio and TV by buying adds as well. This will only increase people's confusion and make more people hide their loved ones so they don't die alone.

So, you see the two divergent point of view:

1. The common man and woman in Africa: "White people are trying to kill us by bringing Ebola here!"

2. The viewpoint of those educated in Western Science and Medicine: "Unless we treat this like a war zone 71% of the people on earth might die!"

So, you see why Western people trying to stop Ebola are failing miserably because the average African person doesn't trust western medical authorities in the first place.

Therefore, it might be presently impossible to stop Ebola in Western Africa without the support of the common man and woman at present.

And governments are unlikely at present to get that.

So, logically, it may be that hundreds of thousands and possibly even millions of people may die because of this.

This is no one's fault. This is just the reality on the ground there.

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