Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mt. Shasta: Mt. Kailash

My friend,  when he visited the Tibetan Lamas he was studying with likely in Nepal and India, wanted to be close to Mt. Kailash in the Himalayas because it is the most sacred mountain there according to mystics for at least 10,000 years. Even Cave Yogis would go there to develop quickly in supernatural abilities for thousands of years.

However, his Tibetan Lama teachers told him he could do the same thing with his practices if he went and did them on Mt. Shasta and life would be much easier for him because he had American Citizenship. When I first met him I was just being introduced to Tibetan Buddhism in 1979 and 1980 by my new wife then. So, I often conferred with him because he knew more about Tibetan Buddhism than I did then because it was completely new to me (at least in this lifetime).

A Catholic Priest I studied with who was a natural intuitive like myself but also with 200 IQ and also who before he became a priest was District attorney for Santa Cruz county in California also told me about Mt. Shasta. I had been introduced to Mt. Shasta by my parents through the Saint Germain foundation that also has at least 2000 acres they own there at multiple locations. Also, Unveiled Mysteries written by Guy W. Ballard took place on Mt. Shasta and retreats around the world mostly accompanied by Saint Germain. In "The Magic Presence" Guy W. Ballard goes to the Tetons and has spiritual adventures starting there.

So, ever since I was a baby Mt. Shasta was considered to be a sacred mountain to my mother and father. It also has always been a sacred mountain to all the local Native American Tribes in this area too.

My Catholic Priest friend said that he thought it was the volcanic nature of this mountain and that it must perfectly sit on the Earth's ley lines and intersect perfectly like Mt. Kailash does too in order for it to be such a sacred mountain to people all around the world.

For example, whenever I drive up from Redding up Interstate 5 I feel the sacred energies really get going by Shasta Dam as I drive over the Lake on the Bridge on Interstate 5. It is like moving into a completely different world than suburbs and cities on down the line towards Sacramento, San Francisco and eventually Los Angeles and San Diego along the coast.

If you are sensitive to the energies here your whole life can change just visiting here once if you are in the right state of consciousness to receive it. So, thousands and thousands of people come from all over earth to experience mt. Shasta all year long but mostly in the Summers and Winters. They also come in the spring and fall too.

In fact, many people come up for a weekend right this week which was a perfect time for the Fall colors of gold and orange and red in many of the trees here. It has been very beautiful. And this might continue through this weekend possibly too depending upon the weather.

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