Friday, October 31, 2014

Truth is Stranger than Fiction

I have noticed this about life here on earth. That all the time I have found "Truth is Stranger than Fiction"

Most people like to live in a safe little world with firm boundaries and well defined realities.

However, that isn't the way life is at all.

All the well defined fairy tales we are given through life of ultimate good and ultimate bad is mostly just horse shit.

Most of life is about just trying to survive all the really crazy shit you are going to experience in your life if you walk outside your door and leave wherever you grew up to visit other places and people.

For example, in the Midwest of the U.S. you often can find very white, very nice, and very completely ethnocentric people who don't have a clue about anything outside of where they were born.

This is also true of places like interior Russia, Interior China, etc.

So, in these types of places they just usually don't have a clue about anything outside of their little town or city. And they like it this way.

However, this kind of ethnocentrism is also what creates World Wars.

Because always Truth is way stranger than these people can even begin to deal with any any way, shape or form.

So, this creates world wars when people don't understand each other.

There is nothing inherently wrong with being happily ethnocentric.

Until about 100 million or more people die.

Which is about where we are going as a world right now.

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