Sunday, February 22, 2015

Definition of LIbertarianism

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.[1][2]
Libertarians generally share a skepticism of authority

end quote from:

Libertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For example, even the "Free Love" movement of the 1960s could be considered to be a "Libertarian Movement" because it advocated the end of marriage for people who didn't want to be married but wasn't asking the world to be forced into this movement either. 

So, the same sort of Libertarian spirit was brought into play regarding the necessity of marriage between any two people as was brought to the 13 colonies when British law became a problem for the colonists. 

The issue then was "no taxation without representation". 

The above line was one of the principle causes of the Revolutionary war.

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