Friday, February 27, 2015


Is privacy useful?

In the 1950s in the U.S. if you asked them this question they would have laughed in your face. Because privacy was what gave Americans ALL their rights.

Without privacy we become cattle or sheep that can be externally managed in various ways. We lose individuality and instead become a commodity that companies buy and sell to each other.

The more others know about us the less we tend to know about ourselves it seems. And the more nefarious people know about us the more vulnerable all or most of us become.

Money in this kind of world is the only thing that can protect you outside of God. So, the less money you have the more likely you will be taken advantage of or killed by those with knowledge about you.

However, then there is the other side of this: the more money you have the more people want some of your money and try to get more of your information so they can find ways to separate you from your money as well. However, if people both have money and are intelligent, at least for now they can hire various kinds of people to protect them.

But, for middle class or poor people they become more and more vulnerable in mostly ways they are not aware of and their rights one by one become stripped away until they are all poor or dead over time from the loss of privacy.


So, losing your privacy equates often with losing your life or your livelihood worldwide.

So, finding ways to defend your privacy also defends whatever rights you have worldwide as well.

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