Sunday, June 28, 2015

We Are UFOs?

This is my personal Opinion after a lifetime of research on the subject from various directions.

The most likely reality is we were once 50% or more of our DNA as humans originally came from other planets. The reason I say other planets is I believe humanoids (who can speak) unlike any other biped on the planet Earth. So, this DNA had to come from off planet. This is a good place to start with this.

Though birds like crows and dophins and whales all have languages because of their high order of intelligence, this is not as true of bipeds like monkeys, baboons and chimpanzees. So, where did the ability to speak and to make up verbal languages come from? Though most of these apes use tools like us none of them speak like us. Why is this?

My thought is it came from off planet from humanoids who are at least 50% of our DNA still.

When did these humanoids first come here to settle?

The most likely time was after the dinosaurs died (which might have been killed by humanoids with a directed asteroid into the gulf of Mexico (or this could have occurred by accident when the Asteroid belt planet was blown up in a nuclear war around 65 million years ago also.

So, imagine you lived on the Asteroid belt planet or you lived on Mars 65 million years ago and you had a nuclear war on the Asteroid belt planet (some call it Maldek) and the planet fell apart as it spinned in space from the unbalance of parts of it being blown up and off into space from a nuclear confrontation. (This was proved in the 1970s by the Soviet Union when they sent a probe there). But, also covered up and kept out of western press at the time because of religions around the world (especially Catholics, Protestants and Muslims) but most others too.

So, you likely may not have heard about this fact  proven by a Soviet Probe in the 1970s. There are many things like this kept from the citizens of earth that you actually need to know now in order to help prevent another planet: Earth, from being blown up too through overpopulation and wars.

So, are we UFO's?

Partly, because our DNA is partly from other  planets humanoids have settled on likely for millions to billions of years throughout this galaxy and possibly others.

So, what is really important about all this?

Don't blow up earth with nuclear weapons because of overpopulation like our ancestors did the Asteroid Belt planet.

And secondly, the impacts from pieces of the asteroid belt planet also rendered Mars uninhabitable on the surface too. So, the only choice left in the solar system was Earth or to leave the solar system and go back to wherever our really ancient ancestors originally came from in another solar System somewhere else.

Conclusion: What is the importance of all this?

Let's not blow up earth the way our ancient ancestors blew up Maldek, (the asteroid belt planet) or what happened to Mars from Maldek blowing up.

So, likely all of us are related to the survivors of Maldek and Mars somehow.

Likely we were all originally bred as servants (half humanoid and half ape genetically engineered to live better on Earth) of the original inhabitants of Maldek and Mars. But, likely they originally came from other worlds too, and genetically modified themselves for whatever environments they found themselves in too.

So, likely there are many many bipedal species bred to survive on all sorts of planets we are related to directly and indirectly.

Why don't world governments want you to know this?

IF you study history, you can see what happened to the Aztecs and the Incas from the Spanish coming to the new world. It basically for all intents and purposes ended those civilizations. Parts of them remained but the whole leadership and religious belief system for all intents and purposes collapsed forever.

This is why governments on earth don't want you to know about this. Because they don't want all the major political and religious systems of earth to just collapse one day from the truth of human beings here on earth.

So, in the meantime we all are living a lie.

But, maybe this is better than ending civilization completely because of the truth. I don't know.

But, if we blow up earth the way we did Maldek and indirectly destroyed life on the surface of Mars as well, then we are just stupid and deserve to die like most of them did. (Some of the survivors of this debacle on Mars and Maldek genetically speaking are us.) Let's not repeat the mistakes of our ancient ancestors here on earth.

So, are we UFOs? You be the judge.

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