Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The problem with Feedback loops on Greenland and the Antarctic

As a leading climatologist who spent many years studying the Arctic at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at Ohio State, Box knew that this breezy scientific detachment described one of the nightmare long-shot climate scenarios: a feedback loop where warming seas release methane that causes warming that releases more methane that causes more warming, on and on until the planet is incompatible with human life. And he knew there were similar methane releases occurring in the area. On impulse, he sent out a tweet.

Pope Francis: The Earth Is Starting to Look 'Like …
"If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd."
The tweet immediately went viral, inspiring a series of headlines:
Box has been outspoken for years. He's done science projects with Greenpeace, and he participated in the 2011 mass protest at the White House organized by 350.org. In 2013, he made headlines when a magazine reported his conclusion that a seventy-foot rise in sea levels over the next few centuries was probably already "baked into the system." Now, with one word, Box had ventured into two particularly dangerous areas. First, the dirty secret of climate science and government climate policies is that they're all based on probabilities, which means that the effects of standard CO2 targets like an 80 percent reduction by 2050 are based on the middle of the probability curve. Box had ventured to the darker possibilities on the curve's tail, where few scientists and zero politicians are willing to go.

end partial quote from:

The problem basically is this: If the feedback loops continue the human race will be over at some point likely within the next 1000 years along with most other lifeforms here on earth.

However, what about the mini-ice age that may take place when the sun goes to sleep for awhile in 15 years?

The Earth, the sun, the ocean, the atmosphere are not a static single system. There are a multiplicity of intersecting events happening all at once beyond climate change. And we are also in the middle of either a Geomagnetic reversal or an outright polar shift as well. Scientists just haven't decided which yet which is why they aren't talking about this much also. So, a zero to 10% of normal magnetosphere is going to change and mutate all dna on the surface or above the earth like birds and humans and surface dwellers of all kinds.

All these things are happening simultaneously. So, what will that do on top of everything else? No one really knows.

My thought is that "Some of us will adapt and find a way to survive just like always before."

Though seeding the atmosphere with pyroclastic dust (basically glass dust from volcanoes) will reduce temperatures wherever this is done on earth. However, this might also reduce the capacity to grow food wherever this is done too.

The pyroclastic dust from Icelandic volcanoes made the French people starve and guillotine their King and Queen and whatever royalty of the aristocracy they could find with Guillotines. So, obviously if you put too much pyroclastic dust in the air you can't grow anything and people will starve. So, reducing the temperature this way should be experimented with and studied to keep temperatures low enough for us to survive and still farm enough to survive here on earth.

  1. French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free...

    The French Revolution was an influential period of social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by ...

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