Monday, July 27, 2015

When humans define Dark Matter or Dark Fluid they likely will have also defined God and Gods

First of all, I don't like the word description Dark Matter or Dark Fluid as descriptors, even though I know in this case "dark" just means "presently unknown" and nothing else.

However, my personal experiences during this lifetime tell me that what people call "God" or "Good" or "Life" or "Nature" or "Life Force" is within the domain of both matter and what people call dark matter or  "Presently unknown matter or fluid". My best guess is it would be better defined  as "Presently unknown fluid" because my guess is that it is a fluid that connects all galaxies and universes and is a part of what we are talking about when we say "God", enlightenment, "Peace", or fulfillment.

But, there is much more to it than that as well. People try to approach this unknown infinite ocean in all sorts of ways. And likely many more ways will be found on into the future. And even if it is ever scientifically defined, people will still have many more and useful ways of thinking about and defining this "presently unknown fluid" that spans the known and unknown universe.

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