Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Philosophical Inquiry will help prevent human extinction

Most of what has killed mankind down through the centuries has to do with believing lies. These lies often were not thought through correctly and killed many people fairly young. In fact, most people died by age 40 and almost for sure by age 60 until 1900 around the world. Human mortality was extreme always.

In fact, until Western Medicine and Oil existed humans couldn't even get beyond 1 billion people EVER worldwide.

However, part of philosophical inquiry would be to ask, "Is it good or useful that we EVER made it beyond 1 billion people here on earth because it has created the 6th Great Extinction here on earth which might also result in the extinction eventually of all mankind for one reason or another?

To think that there is safety in numbers is only true up to a point. When humankind as they have now overrun the capacity of earth to feed and clothe them usefully likely by a factor of 10 like they have now people should be asking the question: "If we are presently at almost 10 times the natural capacity of earth to maintain human populations what are the next few centuries going to be like?"

And I don't think anyone is going to like the answer because it isn't a very pretty one.

Because the answer likely will be: "Most people (9/10) of each grouping likely will die either by war, starvation or Global Climate change during the next 500 years. So, no matter what anyone does likely we are going to lose 9/10 the level of present population during this century and others here on earth and likely will be either reduced by Mother nature to 1 billion or less or to zero relatively quickly from now on. Time will tell whether the reduction is 9/10 or to zero and likely we will see this during this century the way things are presently going.

ISIS (or suicidal self destruction of whole civilizations) is just one of the manifestations of this change during this century).

IF ISIS is a natural human reaction to overpopulation when there isn't enough tillable land, water or jobs, then how long before this type of reaction manifests in various ways in Africa too through groups like Boko Haram?

What I'm saying here is: "What if groups like ISIS are a natural human reaction to overpopulation in a desert like area without enough water, food or jobs?"

We are seeing a mass migration of 12 to 15 million people mostly into Europe now because of overpopulation in the Middle East and this is likely going to stress Europe in various ways because of this.

The U.S. has only accepted about 1000 Syrian refugees so far but Europe will likely have to take in millions during the coming years as refugees.

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