Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dalai Lama: Without non-violence in middle East 100 Bin Ladens could come

The interview also discussed the refugee crisis. The Dalai Lama urged European nations not to reject individuals because of their Muslim faith, saying "Islam, like any other religion, it sends its message of love forgiveness." He also condemned the use of force within the Middle East.
"Unless you deal with this problem in a non-violent way, today one [Usama] bin Laden, after a few years ten bin Laden, after more years hundred bin Laden could come," he said.
end quote from:
Dalai Lama says any female successor would have to be 'attractive'

I completely agree with the Dalai Lama as an intuitive. It is because of cause and effect and Karma. It would be a natural karmic consequence of cause and effect to have 100 or more Al Baghdadi's or Osama Bin Ladens arise a hundred times more psychotic than these two were in the future. They would naturally arise from those tortured souls who survived this mess who were Sunni children or young adults right now.

The world is creating hell on earth the way all this is presently going. This won't end easily. It likely will only get 100 times worse even if Putin mows them all down by the millions (All the ISIS people and ISIS Human sexual slaves and slave warriors).

Here's the thing: ISIS is not a cause it is both a movement and the effect of what Assad, Iran, Putin and Hezbollah have done already. If you kill all of ISIS you have not created justice for Sunni People in Syria or throughout the region. Until there is justice or (majority rule) there will NEVER be peace there.

So, even if Putin wipes out ISIS it all is going to get 100 times worse there the rest of this century if you don't deal with the real causes. ISIS is only an effect. ISIS is only revenge for the real causes perpetrated by Russia, Assad, Iran and Hezbollah.

And if Russia mows ISIS down where will the Sunnis exact revenge for the end of ISIS? That's right.

They will go after Russia, Europe, and the U.S. after they overthrow Sunni and Shiite governments on their way. Russia is not worried at this point. But in the future they may be more worried when they see what will come next in the next 20 years. IF ISIS is overthrown no Sunni or Shiite government will be safe for the next 100 years or more. This is a given because of present dynamics in the Middle East.

I too would like to see ISIS gone but if you don't deal with the causes worse things than ISIS are bound to come in reaction to the real causes in this situation. ISIS is only an effect not a cause.

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