Thursday, September 24, 2015

'Eat Pray Love' Author back with "Big Magic"

'Eat Pray Love' Author Is Back With 'Big Magic'
'Eat Pray Love' Author Is Back With 'Big Magic'

Please click above word button or picture to see video.

Elizabeth Gilbert is one of my favorite authors. Her writing style in Eat, Pray, Love I have never seen duplicated anywhere. She is willing to "risk everything" in her writing which most writers cannot or will not do.  So, you feel as you read what she writes that she is a dear friend she writes on such an intimate level. She talks in the video of not being able to top likely "Eat Pray Love" and instead saying, "you have to just let life be what it is".

I completely agree with this statement. I can't write the kind of stuff I used to and have it turn out the same as it did because my life has changed me. I'm not going to be whoever I was ever again. But, I can be who I am right now. Thinking you are going to be 30 the rest of your life and getting angry because you aren't is kind of ridiculous isn't it?

So, you have to be who you are and be creative in the context of wherever you are in life, young or old or in between.

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