Saturday, October 31, 2015

I'm thinking the future will be very different than anyone presently expects

If you went back to 1900 and began to predict the future could you have easily been right?

I think not. World War I and II you would not have got. Hitler you wouldn't have got. Kamakazi pilots you wouldn't have got. Nuclear weapons you wouldn't have got. Motorized flight you wouldn't have got. Nuclear weapons you definitely wouldn't have got. Television you wouldn't have got and home computers, Iphones, Ipods, Ipads and computers in general you wouldn't have got.

So, 2100 is basically unfathomable for most people in the same way the 20th century would have been for someone living in 1900.

Even someone like myself that can often see some aspects of the future that often saves my life or others doesn't see everything. For example, even though I saw the Loma Prieta Earthquake one month before it happened and took my family to Hana, Maui and watched the earthquake happen On CNN live on TV it upset me more than I can say to watch all this knowing I knew it was coming and even if I shouted it from the tallest building it wouldn't have helped because people wouldn't have believed me. Even people I told about the coming earthquake didn't believe me until it actually happened and one friend with a multi-million dollar home didn't want to ever talk to me again because it tore her home in half(the earthquake).

So, even if you see some aspects of the future, you don't see everything coming. You might see enough to survive it and go on living and even be able to see how you can be prosperous but you cannot see everything coming. And even if you could no one would believe you in the end unless they had seen other things you saw coming actually happen first.

And even then foretelling the future is not a perfect science. It is more like an art or a knack people have or develop out of the necessity for survival and not dying.

And so even though all tribes once had someone like this to prevent the extinction of their tribe and tribes who didn't have someone like this often went extinct, it still isn't a perfect science.

The reason for this is "Seeing the future is about tendencies". So, what happens when people make "fluke" decisions in the moment out of their general character?

This often changes people's whole life or even a planet's whole life.

So, literally because of this everything can spin on a dime.

But, generally speaking, Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and other large events no one has any control over at all except to see them coming and just get out of the way of them, hopefully.

To some degree wars are like Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes to when the spur from real grievances people have. All you can do is get out of the way of them or potentially die in them.

So, after all this I still think that no one is really prepared for the future that is actually coming to Earth.

There is theory and then there is reality. So, from my point of view no one is actually prepared for the future that is really coming.

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