Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Can Trump "Buy" The election?

I think at that point it is debatable.

My view of Trump is he says what a lot of people are thinking. But, once he says it several things happen in people, "First they are revolted he said what he said and Second they realize likely he shouldn't have said what he said because of the consequences to so many people and third they start to discuss what he has talked about in a more realistic way."

So, is what Trump says useful to people in the U.S. and the world? "Yes. Because he gets people talking about important things."

However, would it be useful to make him President?

No. Because he is a loose Cannon.

I think most people realize this that he serves a useful function in bringing up issues that need to be discussed more.

The reason these things need to be discussed more is political correctness has so polarized America into different camps of thought that it is dangerous to the national dialog.

He has made it more apparent just how dangerous political correctness is to the survival of our nation and the world.

Because ultimate political correctness looks more like ISIS lopping off of heads than anything else or Hitler gassing the Jewish people in World War II. That is actually what happens when political correctness is taken to an extreme beyond the way it is now in the U.S.

So, unless people back off political correctness soon people won't just lose their jobs they are going to be killed also for having a different opinion.

However, we don't have to elect someone like Trump to the White House and destroy our democratic way of life either permanently.

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