Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The purpose of all our gifts is to prevent human extinction

The varieties of human gifts is astounding to me. There is no one way people have to be. Even people with physical disabilities often compensate with amazing other gifts. It's sort of like what we lose in one direction often we gain in another direction. I've noticed this throughout my life.

For example, at age 20 I realized I could not survive my 20s when I looked into the future when I was 20. So, my response to my 20s was to project my soul permanently out of my body. But, when I lay on top of my father's garage in the desert in the summertime when I tried to permanently project my soul from my body when I was about 100,000 feet up an angel came to me and told me I wasn't allowed to do this because of commitments I had made as a soul. There was no contest from the angel whether I was capable or not of permanently ending my life this way. It was just I had made commitments with God that could not be broken.

So, I dejectedly went back to my body. As the angel accompanied me to my body he said to me, "Because you willingly are returning to your body we are giving you a gift. Your body will no longer be a prison for you like it is for most people. Your body will now ONLY be a reference point and you will be allowed to travel everywhere."

At the time I didn't entirely believe the angel because I was feeling sorry for myself. But, over the next two years I proved the angel correct. My ability to be as a soul anywhere in both time and space I found to be an amazingly valuable gift.

What preceded me becoming 20 was ages from 10 to 15 having blunt trauma childhood epilepsy caused by a fall off a boulder in the mountains onto the back of my head at age 9 in Chilao in Angeles National Forest above Los Angeles at about 5000 or 6000 feet in elevation while hiking with my father there.

This changed me a lot and I needed to believe in God to survive this experience. Also, God came into my body then and stayed when I invoked him into my body and he stayed there with me and my life became after that a 24 hour a day supernatural experience beyond anything I could ever imagine which reminded me a lot of the experiences of the prophets in the Bible. The one I most related to was Moses throughout my life because my life reminded me a lot of his, including my experience with the Burning Bush on Mt. Shasta when the Holy Spirit came into me and stayed.

It was fairly scary because my hands and arms hurt like they were on fire for at least 6 months after that experience with the Bush in August 1970. So, I guess I sort of understood God was changing me and making me even more supernatural than before by living inside of me.

Throughout my life I have met people who have had amazing experiences like I have and the conclusion I have come to is our purpose is to help keep the human race alive on earth and beyond.

Our purpose is to prevent human extinction so the human race goes on for millions of years either here or beyond or both.

By God's Grace.

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