Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Why is it important for the Human race to continue on Earth and Beyond

From my lifetime of experiences as a soul traveler since I became an adept at this in my early 20s I have realized that physical life as a human is one of the many types of growth experiences a soul can choose to have to develop more as a self conscious being of free will.

Like humans, Souls are not born knowing everything about everything. Everything is learned over time. So, whether you are living as an angel who has never incarnated and possibly never will or whether you choose to incarnate as a human being on earth to experience Free Will in a specific way, all of our souls are constantly learning new things.

However, a souls natural state is not in either time or space as we know it. Time and space only exists really for a soul while it is clothed in a physical body. So, often humans assume souls also live in time and space when mostly they don't.

The chronology of time and space only has meaning in the context of being a human being. Thinking this way wouldn't make sense to beings in a soul body without a physical body. So, often humans cannot understand this because of being taught linear thinking starting as children.

So, the importance of having a human race both here and beyond on other planets or dimensions is it is a learning place like a College or Graduate School of how to function in Time and Space which can be a useful ability for a soul to have.

Often, after incarnating as a human being some souls continue to learn and to incarnate in between visits to heaven realms. There are many reasons some souls do this. But, the primary reason I find is that in the end, it is to maintain the College of living as a human being here on earth.

The appearance of Mortality changes a person. Some people are afraid of mortality and some people are not. So, even though death is not a real thing for the soul many people believe it is permanent. IS it a good thing not to believe you are immortal?

I cannot answer this question with an answer that is useful to me.

However, I can say knowing I'm immortal changes the way I interact with all beings. So, because I know I am immortal as a soul I am much kinder than I might be if I didn't know this one fact for sure.

So, in the end Earth and Humans exist because it is useful to them to do so.

Earth is a living being just like we are by the way.

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