Friday, May 27, 2016

People who aren't strong often cannot be kind at first

People who are strong who have strong family and friendships and have good health and opportunities often can be kind. It is less likely for others though to always be kind. And some people don't believe in being kind because they are just too busy surviving. However, until you learn to be kind likely you won't be wealthy. Or if you do become wealthy you will tend to lose your wealth if you don't also learn how to be kind and wise.

Kindness and friendship and gratitude are the motor of life and if you don't have this you need to develop this because people usually don't live to old age without kindness, determination and friends and associates who don't hate them.

So, if you are kind to yourself and others, you help them survive while you learn better to survive yourself. You never know when someone you were kind to will save your life in one way or another.

"What goes around comes around".

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