Friday, June 24, 2016

Little Hitlers in the U.S. and Europe?

Fascism is a potential reaction to terrorism when it goes on and on interminably.

And this is now happening in the U.S. and Europe manifested the most strongly in the Brexit today and in all the votes for Trump in the U.S.

However, the problem with this is it is the opposite of: "Stand together or we will fall apart".

So, a good way to look at this is the terrorists of groups like ISIS and the refugees of Syria and Iraq have driven a wedge in between rational individuals and people who are less educated and see their futures slipping away to the point where they want to try unreasonable choices which are breaking apart first the EU and next possibly the "Rule of Law" here in the U.S.

If people don't have the courage to stand up to their fears and make rational decisions then western democracies are going to fail one by one.

This is something we all need to think about now after Brexit.

The reactions of white people in England yesterday reminds me of what happens when people get paranoid and shoot one of their relatives in the dark by accident just because they are freaked out that their relative or friend is a burglar or murderer. It is a basic loss of rationality that civilization needs to function  that becomes lost in the paranoia resulting in accidental murders of people who care about each other by accident.

When you are too afraid of things that go bump in the night you might accidentally shoot friends or loved ones. And then what are you going to do?

My solution is mostly: Don't Panic!

Stay rational through it all.

This is easy for me simply because if you are over 50 panic only means a heart attack, or a stroke and death.

So, if you are older than 50 you already know if you don't stay calm you are already dead.

More people under 50 need to understand this too. Because under 50 if you don't stay calm and rational you just might shoot a friend or loved one by accident one day or night now or in the future.

However, what is happening to Great Britain now (if voters for Trump take the time to study the economic disaster waiting for Britain now) might realize voting for Trump is the same effect in the end as Brexit for the U.S. in many ways. So, this might help Americans make a more thoughtful and rational choice than the British did when they shot themselves in the foot and basically  caused their own bank to be robbed so they have no money left to live on.

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