Sunday, June 26, 2016

We live in really crazy illogical times

People who vote for things like Brexit or Trump likely aren't delving deep enough into what is actually going on in society worldwide. What Brexit or Trump bring won't solve their problems it will only make things worse.

Here's the problem defined in a way using Jenga like they did in "The Big Short"

We now live in an incredibly complex world that cannot easily be understood like it once would have been.

If you stack up a Jenga Game and then name each block like "The U.S. Government", The European Union, China, Russia, Middle East. Then you name other blocks "The U.S. stock market, The VArious European Stock markets, the Asian STock markets, Then you put about 5 blocks and name them world trade (each of them) and you put all these jenga pieces at the very bottom of the Jenga pile.

NOw take about 5 strategic blocks named Brexit and put them near the bottom strategically. Then now if Great Britian implements the Brexit changes you pull those specific blocks. What happens?

IF the whole Jenga building falls down it is possible that the end result of Brexit would be World GReat Depression.

The whole world is like a Jenga game right now. It wasn't always this way but the world now is interdependent in ways it never used to be, and the Jenga game is a perfect example of the problem. Watch "The Big Short" and you will see how they used the Jenga game then.

Might be time for another Jenga game to illustrate the problems caused by Brexit and fascist leaders like Trump and others in Europe to the world economy. Through Brexit some of the rich get richer (like Trump) while most of the rest don't even have enough money for food or rent. In other words many people are now going to die worldwide or starve to death directly caused by Brexit. If you don't believe me do the research yourself.

  1. The Big Short (2015) - IMDb
    Four denizens in the world of high-finance predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the...
  2. The Big Short (2015) - Rotten Tomatoes
    The Big Short approaches a serious, complicated subject with an impressive attention to detail -- and...
  3. Buy The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders

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