Friday, July 29, 2016

As Erdogan purges ALL Secular Democratic forces from military, Turkey leaving NATO likely won't be far behind

Why is this?

The Secular Democratic forces are the military officers and soldiers who are most against ISIS. As these soldiers are purged they will be replaced by those who agree with much or all that ISIS represents.

To better understand what is happening, Erdogan is beginning to set up Turkey as being sort of like Iran right now. Only the difference is Turkey will be a Sunni Version of Iran. So, imagine Turkey being this, an Islamic State and Caliphate.

What ISIS failed to do in Syria and Iraq Erdogan is now succeeding in Turning Turkey's government into something a lot like ISIS.

I would call where Erdogan is moving Turkey to now as "ISIS LIGHT" where the caliphate IS Turkey like it once was before in history and the democracy is all but gone, similar to IRan now.

This is very bad for the U.S. and Europe and will eventually mean kicking Turkey out of NATO and Turkey first becoming neutral to the needs of NATO and eventually an enemy to NATO. This is the direction all this is going right now.

So, understanding that Turkey just stopped being a western democracy and is becoming "ISIS LIGHT" is very important for the free world to understand right now!

Not understanding this could be and already is fatal to many many people both inside and outside of Turkey right now.

In other words "People are dying while the world watches Brexit and the U.S. election cycle!"

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